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To Your Most Complex Legal Challenges

The Attorneys of Chitkowski Law Offices

When Buying Property, Always Perform Your Own Document and Physical Inspection

As a follow-up from a recently published Chicago Tribne article, in which Corey B. Stern was quoted as saying:

•  “The agent may not lie, but they might not tell you the whole truth,” said Corey B. Stern, a partner in the Lisle-based real estate law firm of Chitkowski Law Offices.

•  Create a paper trail that backs up the quality and value of the work, said Stern. “Make sure that what you brag about is documented,” he said. “If the house has been on and off the market, look at the prior listing sheets and see if there’s new work.”

A Purchaser can also seek and file a Freedom of Information Request with the local municipality in order to obtain any documents about the Property from government.  For example:

i)  plans;

ii) recent permits actually received and/or may have been applied for, but were denied; and

iii) building code or property boundry line violations.